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Nature is always surprising us, growing and evolving in unpredictable ways.

That’s why homeowners often find themselves with trees they never expected to be blocking their front window. Commercial developers sometimes need to move grown trees that hinder development. And trees could outgrow their spaces and encroach on their surroundings.

Frustrating? Perhaps. But that’s the beauty of nature—you never know what you’re going to get, and the results can be amazing.

Trees create a story of their own. Hiring a tree removal service to move or remove a tree, rather than simply cutting it down, preserves this history and gives back to the environment and humanity. This sense of duty is what has kept us going for over 40 years.

During our 40+ years as a tree removal service, we have often been called to remove a tree, while other times our clients want us to move a tree from one place to another. This article explains the difference between removing a tree and moving one and the necessary steps.

Removing a Tree

Removing a tree means digging out a tree from its current location without killing the tree. This requires careful planning and attention to detail.

Choosing the Right Time

We first look into the sort of tree we are going to remove. Based on the species of tree, we can determine the best time to dig it out. Most trees are removed either in late fall or early spring. Deciduous trees usually lose their leaves by late fall and ‘hibernate’ through the winter. Disturbing them from the soil will cause the least damage when the roots are dormant. Likewise, early spring right before the budding season is a good time to remove a tree, as the tree is still ‘hibernating’ and dormant.

Preparing the Tree

Before removing a tree, we need to prune the roots from the previous growing season. This is necessary to ensure that new feeder roots are established close to the trunk, and give strength and nutrients to the tree after the removal.

Digging out the Tree

Depending on the size of the tree, we evaluate how wide and deep we have to dig. As a general rule, we dig 10 to 12 inches of root ball diameter for every inch of tree trunk diameter. The thicker the tree, the wider and deeper we need to dig.

The root ball needs to remain wet throughout the removal process to keep it compact, intact, and together. If the soil is dry and starts to crumble, the roots will fall too, and roots are crucial for the re-establishment of the tree in its new location.

Moving a Tree

Once the tree has been removed from the ground, it can either be relocated or taken away.  

Moving a tree means we will replant it in a better, more appropriate spot to give it enough sunlight, water, and space for it to grow.

Before deciding where to relocate the tree, we always check how large that species of tree grows to ensure we’ve placed it in a location where it can thrive. We also consider soil quality, drainage, and sunlight exposure.

Removing and relocating a tree one time is okay, but doing it multiple times could endanger the health and robustness of the tree. And that is something we avoid whenever possible; after all, the beauty of trees is how long-lasting they are, and how they define the landscape for years—if not centuries.

Once the tree has been planted in its new location, it requires special attention and care to help it recover from being moved. It needs to be watered regularly and checked for disease and shock. The soil may require extra nutrients to boost the tree’s growth.

What’s Left Behind

Once we dig out a tree, all that’s left is a hole filled with a lot of roots. It’s possible to end up with 75% of the roots getting left behind! No matter how much we prune roots and take care during removal and transportation, the root system is so widespread that we can only bring so much with us when we move the tree.

So, what do we do about this empty hole? We may plant grass seed, plant a new tree or shrub, or do something entirely different. The most important thing is that we fill it up!

Whether Moving or Removing a Tree, Call a Tree Removal Service

Moving a tree isn’t as simple as pulling it out of the ground and plunking it down somewhere new. It’s a complex process, and the best way to ensure the tree’s wellbeing is to call in the experts–especially with giant trees like ones we often move.

Environmental Design Inc. is a team of tree relocation professionals who specialize in tree removal and transplant services. We will guide you through the tree transportation process and make sure the tree is removed safely from the ground. If you want to plant it somewhere else, then we will ensure the tree roots are intact and relocation is successful.If you are looking for a tree removal service with more than 40 years of experience and affordable tree relocation costs, contact now Environmental Design Inc online.